Macao is expected to hit peak season for influenza between mid-January and mid-February, with cases expected to rise during this period
Representatives from local organisations believe that greater education among the public and a doubling down of preventive measures are needed
Bonnie Leong Weng I, a Macao university now studying in Taiwan, first made the discovery back in 2019 but the find was only recognised late last year
The venture could see the boring of a tunnel that passes beneath key urban areas, including the Barrier Gate Plaza and the Dr. Sun Yat Sen Municipal Park
Some 1,500 buses between Macao and Hong Kong will run each day between 14 January and 22 February
The open day will be held this coming Sunday at the main Hengqin campus as well as its science and technology offshoot
Chao Wai Ieng and Mak Kim Meng began their respective roles as chairman and vice chairman of the Municipal Affairs Bureau’s administration committee last week
The mercury is forecast to plummet to 12°C by Monday, as the northeast monsoon makes its impact felt on the south China coast
The boost in passenger numbers in November and December coincided with the opening of the Seac Pai Van and Hengqin Lines respectively