Located next to the construction waste landfill, the new centre will reduce organic waste in the city through the processing of food scraps, water waste and grease
UM lifted its ranking from 254th place in 2023 to 245th place currently, while MUST rose up by 41 places, earning a ranking of 464
After an initial burst of enthusiasm following the opening of the Barra extension, average daily passenger volumes have tailed off sharply
The shady exchanges have been identified as ‘a very common channel for corruption and illegal money outflow’ one expert says
World Environment Day is held annually on 5 June and is aimed at encouraging the public to consider our impact on the environment
The government is building an organic recycling centre and planning a household organic waste programme
Macao braces for strong winds, heavy showers, thunderstorms and possible flooding as Tropical Storm Maliksi nears the city
The Meteorological and Geophysical Bureau will likely raise the signal from no. 1 to no. 3 today, as a tropical depression moves closer to Macao
The city is expected to face showers, thunderstorms and strong winds between Friday and Monday