Bargain hunters may be taking advantage of a significant fall in overall residential property prices per square metre
A new transport plan aims to develop Guangzhou’s role as a global logistical hub, as well as enable travel to and from other Greater Bay Area cities in just one hour
After a baking summer, the weather has finally turned, with the mercury at the Dr. Sun Yat Sen Municipal Park observatory dropping to 16.4°C this morning
With three of the past five years stymied by the Covid-19 pandemic, Ho thanked residents for their “rigorous collaboration” in getting the SAR back on track
Prominent political figures, including former legal academic Benny Tai and campaigner Joshua Wong, were given sentences ranging up to 10 years
The Atlas of Macao’s 2024 edition features topological maps and newer elements such as digital maps, satellite images and drone photos
The recently signed implementation pact moves the ambitious cross-border hydroelectric project one step closer to completion
Non-experts preferred AI-generated poetry and were more likely to consider it human-authored than poetry by humans
The latest imported case involves a 66-year-old Macao resident who had been visiting Jiangmen earlier this month