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Macau COVID-19 infection risk very low says Health Bureau

Health Bureau (SSM) Director Lei Chin Ion said today that the risk of COVID-19 infection in Macau now was “very low”.





UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 5:42 am

Health Bureau (SSM) Director Lei Chin Ion said today that the risk of COVID-19 infection in Macau now was “very low”.

However, Lei called for prudence before easing strict border entry curbs during the daily press conference of the Novel Coronavirus Response and Coordination Centre.

During the press conference, Lei announced that the last of Macau’s 45 COVID-19 patients, a 15-year-old local girl studying in the United Kingdom, was discharged today.

According to Lei, the girl was discharged after more than two months of isolation treatment.

Lei pointed out that Macau’s “second wave” of novel coronavirus cases began on March 15, resulting in 35 patients.

The “first wave,” which began on January 22, comprised 10 patients.

Unlike Hong Kong, Macau has been spared a community outbreak and local transmission of the disease.

Health Bureau officials have said that the 45 cases consisted of 43 imported cases and two cases “connected to imported cases.”

No COVID-19 death has been reported in Macau.

Only one of the 45 cases has been classified by the bureau as “serious”. However, the patient – as all the others – made a full recovery, SSM officials have stressed.

Macau residents accounted for over two-thirds of the total number of cases, according to SSM data.

Macau has no recorded a new COVID-19 cases for 41 days, Lei pointed out today.

Almost all Macau residents have been wearing facemasks when out and about since late January.

(The Macau Post Daily/Macau News)

UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 5:42 am

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