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Police warn residents not to fall for ‘lottery prize’ scam

A local woman reported receiving an English-language WhatsApp message saying she won a US$1 million lottery prize, asking for extra details including her name and age.





UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 5:40 am

The Judiciary Police (PJ) warned residents on Monday not to fall for an English-language WhatsApp ‘lottery prize’ message, according to a PJ statement on Monday.

The statement said that a local woman reported on Monday receiving an English-language WhatsApp message saying that she was the winner of a US$1 million lottery prize. The message asked the resident for her name, nationality, contact number, age, gender, address and other personal information, asking her to email the information to a specific email account in order to claim the prize.

The police urged residents not to fall for the scam and inform the police when they receive a suspected scam message. The statement noted that as of Monday no residents had reported falling for the scam.

The police warned that scammers have different ways to misuse residents’ personal information, and therefore they hope that residents will pay more attention to online safety information, messages sent from an unknown email address, and set up a firewall to protect their personal information.

(The Macau Post Daily/Macao News)
Photo by Macau Photo Agency

UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 5:40 am

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