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Covid-19 outbreak forces Macao’s academic year to a sudden halt

Education Bureau stresses that pandemic should not be allowed to affect students’ grades, which should be based on ‘existing achievements and formative assessments’.



Education Bureau stresses that pandemic should not be allowed to affect students’ grades, which should be based on ‘existing achievements and formative assessments’.



UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 4:45 am

Macao’s 2021/2022 Academic Year stuttered to a close yesterday amid the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic situation.

The Education and Youth Development Bureau (DSEDJ) noted that its decision was made in conjunction with pandemic prevention work. The bureau also stressed that the academic year was nearing its end, that most schools have completed teaching plans, and that face-to-face teaching cannot be resumed soon.

According to the DSEDJ, for non-tertiary education, ending the academic year early has “little impact” on students’ final academic performance since schools have “generally used diverse assessment methods”. The bureau suggested schools follow the principle of fairness, adding that the pandemic should not affect students’ grades.

The bureau noted that the final grades should be calculated “based on the existing learning achievements of students and formative assessments”.

The bureau has written to local schools to provide them with operational guidelines to enable them to make arrangements in line with their school-based circumstances.

Teaching activities of most higher education courses have been completed. The DSEDJ pointed out that colleges and universities may switch to online teaching for courses that have not been completed yet based on the actual situation, The Macau Post Daily reported. 


UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 4:45 am

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