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10,000 volunteers needed for 15th National Games in Macao in 2025

Volunteers must have been born in 2007 or before and will either assist at sports events or act as city guides; online and offline training courses to be provided.



Volunteers must have been born in 2007 or before and will either assist at sports events or act as city guides; online and offline training courses to be provided.



UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 8:15 am

Sports officials have put out a call for 10,000 volunteers to assist at the 15th National Games, which will be staged in Macao in 2025.

Taipa and Coloane Community Service Consultative Council deputy convener Choi Seng Hon said that the volunteers should have been born in 2007 or before and could include mainland Chinese and overseas students studying in Macao, as well as local students studying in mainland China.

The 15th National Games, which will be jointly hosted by Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao, will take place under two categories – competitions featuring Olympic Games for professionals and mass sports events for non-professionals.

Choi added that no more than 10 events in both categories will be held in Macao. The specific types of competitions will be introduced after the local organising committee has finalised details with its counterparts in Hong Kong and mainland China.

The committee will be headed by Secretary for Social Affairs and Culture Elsie Ao Ieong U, with Sports Bureau President Pun Weng Kun as secretary general and the two vice presidents of the bureau as deputy secretary generals.

Choi said that volunteers will be divided into competition helpers, who will be tasked with guiding athletes and assisting with the competition’s arrangements, and city promoters, who will be in charge of promoting Macao’s “tourism culture” and events in local neighbourhoods, at various local checkpoints and landmarks.

Online and offline training courses covering languages such as Putonghua, knowledge of sports and local culture, as well as the history of the National Games and Macao will be provided for volunteers.

Choi said that no new stadium will be built for the National Games in Macao, but maintenance will be carried out on the existing sports venues where corresponding special facilities will be set up for certain competitions if necessary, The Macau Post Daily reported. 


UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 8:15 am

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