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Maritime Silk Road Association (Macau) and International Institute of Macau promote Chinese initiative

The Maritime Silk Road Association (Macau) and the International Institute of Macau (IIM) have signed a cooperation protocol for actions related to the Chinese initiative to promote the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road.





UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 5:49 am

The Maritime Silk Road Association (Macau) and the International Institute of Macau (IIM) have signed a cooperation protocol for actions related to the Chinese initiative to promote the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road.

The two institutions agreed to study the production of books, magazines, films and videos to raise awareness of the objectives of the New 21st Century Maritime Silk Road and create conditions for the participation of Portuguese-speaking countries.

The Maritime Silk Road Association (Macau) and the International Institute of Macau decided to promote the organisation of seminars, meetings and lectures in Macau, the People’s Republic of China and in Portuguese-speaking countries to promote the same subject.

The cooperation protocol also says that the two institutions will carry out joint actions to promote field visits to the Portuguese-speaking countries to raise their potential and strengthen economic, cultural and social relations with the People’s Republic of China.

The cooperation agreement was signed in Macau by the president of the IIM, Jorge Rangel and the vice-president of the Maritime Silk Road Association (Macau), Gonçalo César de Sá.

The Maritime Silk Road Association (Macau) was established in 2015 to raise awareness in China and Portuguese-speaking countries in order to boost participation in the 21st Century Silk Road.

UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 5:49 am

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