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Fringe Festival promises ‘Extra. Ordinary’ programme

This year’s Macau City Fringe Festival taking place from January 11 to 27 will bring an “Extra. Ordinary” themed programme that should lead its audience to “break through the restrictions and framework to rediscover the exceptional in everyday life”, the Cultural Affairs Bureau (IC), the event’s organiser, said in statement Thursday.





UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 5:49 am

This year’s Macau City Fringe Festival taking place from January 11 to 27 will bring an “Extra. Ordinary” themed programme that should lead its audience to “break through the restrictions and framework to rediscover the exceptional in everyday life”, the Cultural Affairs Bureau (IC), the event’s organiser, said in statement Thursday.

A press conference about the festival was held at the Old Courthouse, where the bureau announced 18 programmes and 10 outreach activities such as workshops, talks, an art critique and sharing sessions during the festival.

Some of the programmes include an underwater concert “Wet Sounds” by British artist Joel Cahen, who turns an ordinary swimming pool into a space for a music performance, and a projection mapped pop-up book “The Icebook” by British artists Davy & Kristin McGuire.

In a local production, artist Lei Sam I turns an ordinary supermarket into the backdrop of a play, “A Short Time Escape”, that tells stories of life while shuffling between the aisles in a supermarket.

There will also be cross-disciplinary and cross-regional shows and collaboration, such as “Body Skyline” dance production to be presented by performances from Portugal, Taiwan and Macau.

For interactions, there is the “Interactive Urban Music Ensemble” where the audience play music by touching an installation with drawings of different musical instruments, and the “Flash Mob – Phubber Drama” where people catch phubbers at bus stops.

According to the Urban Dictionary, the word “phubber” is a combination of the words “phone” and “snubber” which means people who lower their heads looking at their smart phones.

Tickets to the programmes and workshops of the Macau City Fringe Festival will be available at the Macau Ticketing Network from 10 a.m. on Sunday.

For more information about the programme, please visit or the “Macao City Fringe Festival” page on Facebook.

UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 5:49 am

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