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Macau, Guangdong and Hong Kong carry out joint tourism promotion in Taiwan and Europe

Macau, China, 10 June – Macau, Guangdong and Hong Kong plan to carry out joint promotion in Taiwan the United Kingdom and France to publicise the tourism potential of the Pearl River Delta region. The announcement was made at the “Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Tourism Cooperation Meeting,” which was attended by leaders of the Guangdong Tourism Administration, […]





UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 5:50 am

Macau, China, 10 June – Macau, Guangdong and Hong Kong plan to carry out joint promotion in Taiwan the United Kingdom and France to publicise the tourism potential of the Pearl River Delta region.

The announcement was made at the “Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Tourism Cooperation Meeting,” which was attended by leaders of the Guangdong Tourism Administration, the Hong Kong Tourism Board and the Macau Tourism Services Bureau.

Officials from the three regions agreed that joint promotional work, so far carried out predominantly in East Asia and Southeast Asia, would be expanded to other more distant markets, such as Europe and India.

In the last few years the three regions have carried out joint promotion at tourism fairs in Hong Kong, Japan, Guangzhou and Macau to promote “multi-destination” itineraries.

The tourism officials from Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macau have set up a mechanism designed to promote and strengthen dialogue and cooperation in order to take advantage of the complementary roles of the three regions, with a view to transforming the Pearl River Delta into an internationally-valued regional tourism brand.

Anthony Lau, a HKTB executive, gave assurances that “the three tourism authorities will continue to cooperate in order to establish more creative promotions and platforms for communication that will help to promote the quality of the multi-destination brand image in the region and attract more visitors to the three regions.”

João Manuel Costa Antunes, director of the Macau Tourism Bureau said, in his turn, that “the Macau government is focused on developing the tourism industry in Macau, by diversifying products and markets and finding new sources of tourism.”

The number of tourists that visited in Macau in the first four months of the year totaled 8.2 million, a rise of 12.4 percent on the same period of 2009.

In 2009 Macau received 21.7 million visitors, a drop of 5.1 percent on 2008. (MacauNews)

UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 5:50 am

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