The Court of Second Instance (TSI) ruled today that former IPIM president Jackson Chang should again be tried at first instance for crimes of passive corruption, money laundering and abuse of power, Radio Macau reported.
These are some of the crimes from which he had been cleared in the decision of the Base Judicial Court.
The TSI also decided to absolve Jackson Chang of crimes of breach of secrecy but maintained the conviction for inaccuracy in the income statement.
The penalty for crimes of breach of secrecy was set at 11 months in prison, with suspension for 2 years and 6 months.

However, with the new trial that will be held at first instance, the sentence may still change.
Regarding Glória Batalha, the TSI fully upheld the appeal, absolving the former board member of IPIM of the three crimes of violation of secrecy and one of abuse of power, and cancelling the sentence of one year and nine months in prison that she had been condemned in the first instance.