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Chief Executive Ho Iat Seng greets the New Year

CE exhorts Macao to strengthen its confidence, unite its efforts, work hard and make progress in 2022.



CE exhorts Macao to strengthen its confidence, unite its efforts, work hard and make progress in 2022.



UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 4:45 am

On the occasion of the New Year, Macao SAR Chief Executive Ho Iat Seng delivered the following speech:

At this beautiful moment of saying goodbye to the old and welcoming the new, on behalf of the Macao Special Administrative Region government and in my own name, I would like to extend my sincere New Year greetings to all residents and all friends who care about and support the development of Macao!

2021 was an extraordinary year. We forged ahead amidst twists and turns, and moved forward courageously amidst difficulties. We withstood the repeated test of the pandemic, survived the most difficult moments, achieved gradual improvements in the overall trend of economic development, and the overall social situation is harmonious and stable.

Facing the sudden challenge of the pandemic, the majority of residents are united and actively support and cooperate in curbing the spread of the pandemic in the shortest time possible. At present, Macao is a safe and convenient tourism city. Everyone who works and lives here makes their contribution. 

2021 was a year of historical significance. The Communist Party of China (CPC) celebrated its 100th birthday, and the country has embarked on a new journey of building a modern socialist country, achieving a good start to the “14th Five-Year Plan”. Practice has proven that “One Country, Two Systems” is Macao’s greatest advantage, and national development is Macao’s greatest opportunity. In the new era, Macao and the motherland have a broader path of complementary cooperation and common development.

2021 was also a crucial year in the development of the Macao Special Administrative Region. We prepared the second five-year plan and successfully formed the seventh Legislative Assembly. The principle of “patriots governing Macao” has been fully demonstrated, the legal system and implementation mechanism for safeguarding national security have been further improved, and the Guangdong-Macao In-depth Cooperation Zone in Hengqin has been established. Entering a new stage of consultation, joint construction, joint management and sharing, the development of people’s livelihood is progressing in an orderly manner, and various undertakings in the special zone are developing steadily.

In the new year, the tasks and challenges we face are still complex and arduous. Speaking metaphorically, when the boat reaches mid stream, we will retreat if we do not advance. Only by fighting hard can we move forward. We must strengthen our confidence, unite our efforts, work hard and make progress as it becomes more difficult, and work together to create a new situation for Macao’s development!

In 2022, the MSAR government will thoroughly implement President Xi Jinping’s speeches and instructions, implement the “One Country, Two Systems” policy, safeguard national sovereignty, security, and development interests, implement the fundamental principle of “patriots governing Macao”, and follow the “pandemic prevention” principle. We will implement the overall policy of the MSAR’s second five-year plan and policy address, and coordinate the prevention and control of the pandemic and the economic and social development of the MSAR, accelerate the promotion of an appropriately diversified economy, and promote the development of people’s livelihood. Based on the positioning of “one centre, one platform, one base” concept, we will actively participate in the construction of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and Belt and Road Initiative, promote the construction of the Hengqin Guangdong-Macao In-depth Cooperation Zone, better integrate into the overall national development, in order to build a modern and beautiful, happy, safe and harmonious Macao.

The prevention and control of the pandemic is a prerequisite for the stable economic and social development of Macao. We must not let up, be cautious, and do all the epidemic prevention work meticulously. I believe that with the strong leadership and strong support of the central government, and the unity of Macao’s residents, we will surely achieve more stable and better development and progress while constantly overcoming various difficulties and challenges! The practice of “One Country, Two Systems” with Macao characteristics will surely be stable and far-reaching! 

Finally, I sincerely wish the great motherland prosperity and strength! The MSAR is in good shape! I wish you all progress and happiness in the new year!


UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 4:45 am

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