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Guangdong public services to recruit almost 5,000 SAR graduates

Schools, hospitals and museums in cities across the province are targeting recent college leavers from Macao and Hong Kong.





Public service institutions in cities across Guangdong province intend to employ 4,722 graduates from Macao and Hong Kong this year, ECNS reports. The figure makes up more than a third of total planned recruitment for the participating organisations.

Jobs are on offer at schools, hospitals, sports centres, media outlets, libraries and museums, among others. 

More than six hundred of the jobs will be in Shenzhen. Some are specifically tailored for applicants from the SARs, including positions at communication and trade centres that foster links between the mainland, Macao and Hong Kong. 

[See more: Hong Kong puts its GBA graduate job scheme on a permanent footing]

The application process is already underway, with eligible applicants sitting written tests this month.

Guangdong’s public institutions have been recruiting directly from universities in Macao and Hong Kong since 2020, via a scheme open to permanent residents of the two SARs.

Wang Qing, a professor in the School of Government at Guangzhou’s Sun Yat-sen University, stressed the importance of developing a robust new framework for attracting, retaining and mobilising talent, and said the development of talent in the Greater Bay Area needed to be improved systematically.

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