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Resources to tackle seasonal flu are sufficient: government

The government has prepared a response plan for seasonal influenza and has sufficient supply of medicines and vaccines to cope with the fluctuating incidence of the disease, the Health Bureau (SSM) said Wednesday.





UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 5:45 am

The government has prepared a response plan for seasonal influenza and has sufficient supply of medicines and vaccines to cope with the fluctuating incidence of the disease, the Health Bureau (SSM) said Wednesday.

The bureau said the medical stocks include a reserve of antiviral medicines that could serve 180,000 people, and a three-month supply of epidemic-prevention material.

The bureau said it had noted an increase in flu cases in Macau, as well as a slight increase in the waiting time for emergency services at hospitals and the occupation rate of hospital beds. But, the bureau pointed out, so far no fatal or critical flu patient cases have been reported.

The bureau pointed out that is has bought 120,000 flu jabs available and that 103,500 people have been vaccinated. It urged the public to get vaccinated as the city.

UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 5:45 am

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