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Macau jobless rate stays at 1.9 per cent

Macau’s officially estimated unemployment rate remained at 1.9 per cent in the Statistics and Census Bureau’s (DSEC) June-August employment survey period compared with the May-July period. The bureau said in a statement on Tuesday that the rate also stayed unchanged from the same period last year. The city’s total labour force in June-August amounted to […]





UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 5:45 am

Macau’s officially estimated unemployment rate remained at 1.9 per cent in the Statistics and Census Bureau’s (DSEC) June-August employment survey period compared with the May-July period.

The bureau said in a statement on Tuesday that the rate also stayed unchanged from the same period last year.

The city’s total labour force in June-August amounted to 400,000 when the labour force participation rate stood at 72.7 per cent. Total employment increased by 600 from May-July to 392,600. While employment in hotels, restaurants and similar businesses went up, the construction sector recorded a decrease.

According to the bureau, the number of jobless stood at 7,400 in the June-August survey period. Fresh labour force entrants looking for their first job accounted for 20.5 per cent of the total jobless number.

Meanwhile, the Labour Affairs Bureau (DSAL) announced this week that the number of non-resident workers (imported labour) reached 182,178 at the end of August.

Mainlanders, Hongkongers and Taiwanese accounted for 69.4 per cent of the total number of imported workers. Among foreign nationals, the major groups were Filipinos (25,690), Vietnamese (14,799), Indonesians (4,201), Nepalese (3,825) and Myanmarese (1,535).
(Macau News/ The Macau Post Daily)

UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 5:45 am

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