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IFT plans to launch postgraduate programmes

Institute for Tourism Studies President Fanny Vong Chuk Kwan said on Wednesday that her tertiary education institution plans to launch postgraduate degree programmes.





UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 5:48 am

Institute for Tourism Studies (IFT) President Fanny Vong Chuk Kwan said on Wednesday that her tertiary education institution plans to launch postgraduate degree programmes.

Vong made the remarks while speaking to reporters on the sidelines of the institute’s graduation ceremony. 391 students graduated this time.

According to Vong, the passing of the Tertiary Education System bill in July will allow her institute to run postgraduate degree programmes in the future.

According to the Macau Post Daily, the new law is slated to come into effect one year after its promulgation in the Official Gazette (BO). The new law was promulgated in the gazette in early August.

The new Tertiary Education System Law will replace a decree law regulating the city’s tertiary education sector dating back to 1991.

Vong said that based on the law, her institute planned to amend its charter. She said that her institute had started to draft amendments to the charter, adding that IFT would be able to launch postgraduate degree programmes once the charter has been revised.

Vong said that her institute planned to launch postgraduate degree programmes in hotel management first, adding that postgraduate programmes in other fields would be added based on the development of market trends.

Vong noted that more than 70 percent of IFT graduates have been employed in the tourism sector in recent years.

UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 5:48 am

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