Unitary Police Service (SPU) Commissioner-General Ma Io Kun said on Tuesday the police had finished installing over 200 CCTV cameras around the city’s border control areas, and they were currently adjusting the angles of the cameras during testing.
Ma made the remarks on the sidelines of an award ceremony commemorating the 56th anniversary of the Judiciary Police (PJ).
Ma said the installation of the 219 CCTV cameras as well as the setting-up of the monitoring centres had already been done. He said his office was working on adjusting the cameras’ angles, after which he would have to submit a report to the Office for Personal Data Protection (GPDP) before the CCTV cameras could be put into operation.
According to Ma, the public tenders for the 2nd and 3rd stages of the project have already been put out. Both stages would be worked on at the same time, he said.
Asked by reporters about the handling of the CCTV footage, Ma said all footage would be automatically deleted after 60 days unless required for criminal investigation. He added that if the police needed to keep the footage for more than 60 days, they would first have to get permission from a judge.
According to previous media reports, the police are planning to install a total of 601 cameras at the city’s traffic hotspots and main roads in the 2nd and 3rd stages of the city-wide CCTV installation project known as “Eyes in the Sky”.
(Macau News/The Macau Post Daily)