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Students living in Tanzhou head back to class today

After female parallel trader sparked Barrier Gate mass testing, and more than 35,000 negative results, teaching gets back to normal.



After female parallel trader sparked Barrier Gate mass testing, and more than 35,000 negative results, teaching gets back to normal.



UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 4:40 am

In-class teaching resumes today for cross-border students enrolled in local schools or higher education institutions who live in Zhongshan city’s Tanzhou town, the Macao Education and Youth Development Bureau (DSEDJ) has announced.

Classes were suspended last Tuesday after a female Tanzhou resident was confirmed as an asymptomatic Covid-19 patient on the previous day.

The woman has been barred from Macao for 12 months by the Public Security Police after using her permit to visit family to engage in parallel trading. Her frequent forays into Macao sparked a mass-testing exercise for more than 7,000 people living or working near the Barrier Gate. All returned a negative result. 

A further 28,861 people who might have come into contact with the Tanzhou woman, were also tested and found to be negative, The Macau Post Daily reported.

The DSEDJ said that the government had decided to resume in-class teaching for cross-border students living in Tanzhou after considering that “Tanzhou’s Covid-19 situation has stabilised” and that all those tested under the Macao government’s Covid-19 testing drives induced by the Tanzhou woman’s case had come up with a negative result. 


UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 4:40 am

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