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Red Code Zone added near 75th patient’s residential area

Immediate NAT test carried out on the spot for those within the newly added Red Code Zone near Areia Preta.



Immediate NAT test carried out on the spot for those within the newly added Red Code Zone near Areia Preta.



UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 4:45 am


*Last updated: 10:50 am on 6 October

Red and Yellow Code Zones has been added in Areia Preta to strengthen Covid-19 prevention measures following today’s discovery of the city’s 75th case

The Novel Coronavirus Infection Response Coordination Centre announced the new zone’s coverage as follows:

🔴 Block 1 of Edifício San Mei On which is surrounded by the Estrada Marginal do Hipódromo 36B-38E & No.40-52; Rua Quatro do Bairro da Areia Preta No.1-13; Rua Três do Bairro da Areia Preta No.39-49 & No.51-63; Rua Cinco do Bairro da Areia Preta No.2-14
🔴 Kam Heng on Rua Dois do Bairro da Areia Preta 42-50; Rua Quatro do Barro da Areia Preta 30-32
🟡 Kam Heng on Rua Dois do Bairro da Areia Preta 32-40; Rua Quatro do Barro da Areia Preta 34-42

Patient 75th's Red and Yellow Code Zones

Immediate nucleic acid tests (NAT) will be carried out on the spot. NATs will also be done daily. Apart from health workers stationed at the area, no one else is allowed to go in or out. Residents are only allowed to perform basic activities, such as receiving food at designated locations so as to enforce a fully restricted closed system.

The centre stated that in accordance with the prevention and control mechanism of zoning, a life support team will follow up the daily needs of residents in the cordoned area. The department will be responsible for providing daily life and dietary support. Elderly people living alone, persons in difficulties, or those in need of assistance psychologically or spiritually, are directed to call the Social Welfare Bureau hotline 2826 1126.

Macao’s current active Red and Yellow Code Zones from 4 October are as follows:

Red Code Zones

🔴 Edifício Kam Do Lei Fa Yun on Rua de Pedro Coutinho 44-44A
🔴 Grand Emperor Hotel on Avenida Comercial de Macau 251-291
🔴 The Victoria Hotel on Estrada do Arco, Rua Dois do Bairro Iao Hon 50
🔴 Edifício Son Lei on Rua Três do Bairro Iao Hon 1
🔴 Bairro das Missões 25-D on Rua de S. Francisco Xavier de Coloane
🔴 Block 1 of Edifício San Mei On
🔴 Kam Heng on Rua Dois do Bairro da Areia Preta 42-50; Rua Quatro do Barro da Areia Preta 30-32

Yellow Code Zones

🟡 Edifício Hang Lei on Rua de Pedro Coutinho 40-40A
🟡 Edifício Man Chuem on Rua de Pedro Coutinho 42-42A and Rua de Pedro Coutinho 46
🟡 Edifício Kai Keng on Avenida de Horta e Costa 13, Rua de Pedro Coutinho 19-19A
🟡 Edifício Kou Wang on Avenida de Horta e Costa 11-11E
🟡 Edifício Lei Kuan on Avenida de Horta e Costa 15-15C
🟡 Edifício San Hou on Avenida de Horta e Costa 21-21A
🟡 Edifício Son Lei on Rua Dois do Bairro Iao Hon 52
🟡 Edifício Son Lei on Rua Três do Bairro Iao Hon 2, 3 & 4
🟡 Edifício Son Lei on Avenida da Longevidade 49 & 51
🟡 Hawker stalls on Rua Dois do Bairro Iao Hon
🟡 Bairro das Missões in Rua de S. Francisco Xavier de Coloane
🟡 Kam Heng on Rua Dois do Bairro da Areia Preta 32-40; Rua Quatro do Barro da Areia Preta 34-42


UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 4:45 am

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