The total population stood at 686,600 at the end of September, with women making up 53.6 percent of the overall figure
The local weather bureau warns that the SAR could be directly impacted if the typhoon’s trajectory changes or if it maintains its strength
The case, involving a 59-year-old female patient, comes only three days after the second local case and 13 days after the first
The promised rollout of up to 500 new taxis is taking too long for residents and visitors battling it out for cabs on the city’s streets
Operators hope the move will boost passenger numbers, which fell in September to a daily average of 13,500, down from nearly 16,000 the month before
Under the proposed measure, social workers would liaise between the parties in divorce proceedings, giving spouses time to ‘rethink their situation’
The pests, which breed exponentially, can cause the total defoliation of banyans and completely destroy a tree if it is infected too many times
The new law lays down stiff penalties for cases such as parallel betting or side betting, and for those who change money illegally for the purposes of gambling
A revamped labour law could see some employers receive subsidies to help cover maternity leave and up the amount of compensation that dismissed workers are entitled to