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Macau and Guangdong explore cross-border ecommerce platform

In recent years, China’s e-commerce and online payment markets are getting mature and popular. Smartphone payments tools like Alipay and Wechat are now inseparable from public life. Yet, these markets are still at the beginning stage in Macau. An e-commerce expert from Guangdong suggested the two places to build together an online payment platform, or […]





UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 5:50 am

In recent years, China’s e-commerce and online payment markets are getting mature and popular. Smartphone payments tools like Alipay and Wechat are now inseparable from public life. Yet, these markets are still at the beginning stage in Macau. An e-commerce expert from Guangdong suggested the two places to build together an online payment platform, or share a mature one.

Guangdong-Macau Cross Border E-Commerce Meeting was held in Macau last Thursday to explore e-commerce cooperation between the two places.

Guangdong Province E-commerce Association Deputy Secretary General Wu Muzhen told reporters that Macau’s e-commerce and online payments, although at the beginning stage, still has room to expand.

Wu pointed out that Macau is a small market, only has a population of 600,000 and a land area of 30 square kilometer. In addition, building an online payment platform needs huge capital inputs, especially in the early stage. This explained why Macau so far does not have its own online payment platform.

She suggested Macau to cooperate with mainland China to set up a new online payment platform or share a mature one.

Economic Services Director Tai Kin Ip pointed out that Macau has actively participated with e-commerce, with cross border payment and logistics basically running smoothly. Tai said the government would promote Macau’s business, especially the small and medium companies, to join the cross-border e-commerce market and use internet to develop their own business.

The government will encourage local companies to join the e-commerce platform and provide them with relevant courses and training, he added. (Macau News)

UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 5:50 am

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