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Govt urges public to ditch their cars during Grand Prix

The government urged the public Thursday not to use their cars but take public transport so as not to make traffic worse during the four-day Grand Prix event next week where many roads will be blocked for motor-racing while meter parking spaces and roadside parking in off-peak hours near the circuit will be temporarily suspended. […]





UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 8:17 am

The government urged the public Thursday not to use their cars but take public transport so as not to make traffic worse during the four-day Grand Prix event next week where many roads will be blocked for motor-racing while meter parking spaces and roadside parking in off-peak hours near the circuit will be temporarily suspended.

The Grand Prix Committee held a press conference on transport arrangements from Thursday to Sunday next week when the motor-racing event takes place.

According to the presentation, all the 14 bus routes that normally stop at the Outer Harbour Ferry Terminal and the two routes that normally stop outside the former immigration department will only go as far as Macau Forum, where the public can catch free shuttle buses to go to the ferry terminal. The free shuttle bus service to the ferry terminal will also run from Praça de Ferreira do Amaral and Jai Alai.

On Sunday, when private vehicles are normally restricted from entering a section of Avenida de Almeida Ribeiro, the thoroughfare will be open to all vehicles.

All current road works near the circuit will either be completed by Tuesday or temporarily suspended during the event.

Roads will be blocked from 3 a.m. until each day’s races are over from Thursday to Sunday and any vehicles found illegally parked near the circuit or obstructing any part of the Guia Circuit will be removed and owners will be fined.

The committee’s co-ordinator Joao Manuel Costa Antunes said at the press conference that a timetable on when the roads will be closed and detailed road arrangements will be published in advertisements in local newspapers.(macaunews/macaupost)

UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 8:17 am

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