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Ho and Sam promise to ‘cooperate fully’ in their leadership handover

Outgoing Chief Executive Ho Iat Seng met with his successor, Sam Hou Fai, at Government Headquarters on Monday
  • The two officials promised to do all they could to ensure a smooth passing of the torch come 20 December





Macao’s chief executive (CE) and CE designate have promised to “cooperate fully” in the lead-up to their transition of power on 20 December, according to a statement from the Government Information Bureau.

Incumbent Ho Iat Seng met with successor Sam Hou Fai at Government Headquarters yesterday, the day after Sam was chosen by a 400-strong electoral college as Macao’s next leader

During the meeting, Ho reiterated his congratulations to the former judge and promised to “immediately” submit a request to the central government for Sam’s appointment as the next CE.

[See more: It’s official: Sam Hou Fai is Macao’s next Chief Executive]

While Sam received 394 of 400 possible votes on Sunday – and was the election’s only contender – his appointment is still subject to a formal decree from the State Council in Beijing. Until then, he is officially classified as the CE designate.

At the meeting, Ho said he would request that all public departments fully support and cooperate with Sam, enabling him to form his “new governmental team” in the coming months. 

Sam told Ho he was grateful for all preparations the current government had so far undertaken to ensure his smooth assumption of office at the end of the year, and said he would stay in close contact with the CE’s office in the coming days.

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