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Unemployed 20-year-old RAT prankster faces forgery charges

Suspect used acquaintance’s personal information to upload both negative and positive results multiple times.



Suspect used acquaintance’s personal information to upload both negative and positive results multiple times.



UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 4:40 am

A local man is facing forgery charges after fabricating rapid antigen test (RAT) results.

Judiciary Police (PJ) spokesman Lou Chan Fai said that the suspect is a jobless 20-year-old, surnamed O.

The PJ received a report from another Macao resident that a positive RAT result was uploaded to his adult daughter’s RAT reporting platform. 

After enquiries and follow-ups with the Health Bureau (SSM), the man suspected that his daughter’s personal information had been used by someone to upload the falsified positive RAT result.

The PJ identified O as the suspect, and intercepted him at a flat in a residential building in the northern district.

Lou said that O and the victim are friends. As a prank, O downloaded a photo of a positive RAT result from the internet and submitted it on the victim’s RAT reporting platform by using her personal information, which had been saved on O’s mobile phone previously when the woman borrowed it to upload her Macao Health Code. O impersonated the victim to report both negative and positive RAT results multiple times.

PJ officers also discovered that O also submitted other people’s negative RAT results for his own declaration, which were used to generate his Macao Health Code.

O has been transferred to the Public Prosecutions Office, where he faces charges of aggravated computer-related and document forgeries, The Macau Post Daily reported. 


UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 4:40 am

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