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New walking routes get ‘moderate’ support: survey

The Macau Government Tourist Office (MGTO) announced Wednesday the findings of a survey about its proposed four new walking-tour routes. The findings showed that support among residents and shop owners along the proposed routes was “moderately high” for the four routes. A press conference about the survey’s results, presided over by MGTO Deputy Director Cheng […]





UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 5:54 am

The Macau Government Tourist Office (MGTO) announced Wednesday the findings of a survey about its proposed four new walking-tour routes.

The findings showed that support among residents and shop owners along the proposed routes was “moderately high” for the four routes.

A press conference about the survey’s results, presided over by MGTO Deputy Director Cheng Wai Tong, was held at the Tourism Activities Centre in Zape. Officials from the Lands, Public Works and Transport Bureau (DSSOPT), Transport Bureau (DSAT), Cultural Affairs Bureau (ICM) and Civic and Municipal Affairs Bureau (IACM) also attended the press conference.

The office announced the four proposed walking-tour routes in early May. The proposed new routes will be in the northern districts and in an area west of the Ruins of St Paul’s as well as one each in Taipa and Coloane. The office then conducted a survey in May and June to collect opinions about the proposed routes.

The current four walking-tour routes were launched late last September, namely: from the city centre to Praça de Ponte e Horta; from the city centre to the Macau Maritime Museum; from Macau Fisherman’s Wharf to Macau Tower and on to A-Ma Temple; while the fourth route goes from Kun Iam Temple to Guia Fortress and on to São Lázaro Church.

According to Cheng, his office conducted the survey in the streets and online. In the street survey, his office successfully collected the opinions of 905 residents and 352 shop owners who live or work along the proposed routes. Giving ratings of zero to 10, the findings showed that the support level was 6.71, which Cheng said was “moderately high”.

In the online survey, the office collected 295 questionnaires, according to Cheng. The results showed that the level of support stood at 8.33.

According to Cheng, apart from the survey his office also hosted six briefing sessions in the respective neighbourhoods to collect opinions from members of the public.

Cheng also said that his office also collected opinions from social networking sites and online forums.

Asked by reporters when the office will launch the four new routes, Cheng said that there was still “no timetable”. He said his office was analysing the opinions and would launch the routes “once everything is ready”.(macaunews/macaupost)


UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 5:54 am

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