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Govt launches ‘courtesy covenant’

The Civic and Municipal Affairs Bureau (IACM) Sunday launched a campaign to promote courtesy, responsibility and respect among residents. Representatives from several government bureaus including IACM Acting President Alex Vong Iao Lek officiated over yesterday’s opening ceremony of the campaign in Iao Hon Park inviting all residents to sign a “courtesy covenant.” According to the […]





UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 5:53 am

The Civic and Municipal Affairs Bureau (IACM) Sunday launched a campaign to promote courtesy, responsibility and respect among residents.

Representatives from several government bureaus including IACM Acting President Alex Vong Iao Lek officiated over yesterday’s opening ceremony of the campaign in Iao Hon Park inviting all residents to sign a “courtesy covenant.”

According to the covenant, anyone who signs it should behave in line with the 12 principles: “Listen to others, keep your promise, keep social order, treat others with courtesy, take responsibility, respect life, respect others, help your neighbour, do not discriminate against anyone, be happy to help others, love the environment, and participate in the community”.

The government and several civic associations will organise a series of activities including a composition competition, micro-film script contest to encourage residents to sign up to the covenant and act in line with its 12 principles. The bureau will also set up a stand every weekend around the city where residents can pick up a copy of the covenant and then sign it.

Talking to reporters on the sidelines of the opening ceremony, senior IACM official Ko Pui San said the covenant was aimed at improving public awareness of how to be a good citizen.

“The most important thing is we hope that through the courtesy covenant the public will be more caring about the needs of the others… showing respect to others,” she said, adding the bureau will also promote the covenant among the city’s non-resident workers and tourists during public holidays.(macaunews/macaupost)

UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 5:53 am

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