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Macau government provide US$ 15 million for disaster relief in quake-stricken Qinghai

Macau, China, 21 Apr – The government of Macau) Monday announced that it decided to provide an amount of 100 million yuan (US$ 15 million dollars) as quake-relief fund for China’s Qinghai province which was hit by a major earthquake. The fund is aimed at offering more assistance to the Chinese mainland authorities in rescuing […]





UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 5:51 am

Macau, China, 21 Apr – The government of Macau) Monday announced that it decided to provide an amount of 100 million yuan (US$ 15 million dollars) as quake-relief fund for China’s Qinghai province which was hit by a major earthquake.

The fund is aimed at offering more assistance to the Chinese mainland authorities in rescuing the quake victims, according to a press release from the government.

On behalf of the government and the people of Macau, the  Chief Executive Chui Sai On also sent "his deepest regrets and condolences to the people in Qinghai and expressed his hope that the disaster-relief operation can be carried out smoothly and people in Yushu can soon rebuild their homes", according to the press release.

Aside from the government funds, the Macao Red Cross has already offered 300,000 patacas (US$ 37,500 dollars) as emergent quake- relief fund to the disaster area in Yushu, and the organization has so far received a total donation of 2.75 million patacas (US$ 343, 50 dollars) from local communities.

The Macau government held this morning a remembrance service for the quake victims at the Praia Grande Government Headquarters.

China ordered Tuesday flags be flown at a half-staff and a halt to all entertainment for a national day of mourning to honor more than 2,000 people killed by the earthquake in Qinghai province last week.


UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 5:51 am

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