Nonresident workers make up more than a quarter of the city’s total population, with mainland Chinese and Southeast Asian workers most numerous.
The Zhuhai Port at the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge saw over 19,000 vehicles on Monday, breaking the previous record set just days before.
It’s now called the Macao University of Tourism, or the Universidade de Turismo de Macau in Portuguese, and will go by the initials UTM.
The minimum quotas, currently under negotiation, aim to address inequities for the benefit of people and business.
While using ChatGPT 3.5 has always been free, it’s even easier to use after its creator made it accessible to ‘anyone curious.’
The new line is set to commence operation later this year, connecting the two new stations of Seac Pai Van and Island Hospital.
The average daily arrival totalled 101,500 people, which corresponds to earlier forecasts made by tourism chief Maria Helena de Senna Fernandes.
Macao records the second highest GGR total since the end of pandemic related travel restrictions in January last year.
The Taiwan carrier Starlux now operates a daily service to the SAR, with an additional flight on Monday mornings.