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High-tech economic zone given official go-ahead in Cabo Verde

ZEET will be centre of all digital strategy for archipelago; companies operating there will be range of tax and customs incentives.



ZEET will be centre of all digital strategy for archipelago; companies operating there will be range of tax and customs incentives.



UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 4:40 am

A special high-tech economic zone  has been given the official go-ahead in Cabo Verde. Dubbed the Special Economic Zone for Technologies (ZEET), the zone is located in the Digital Islands Technological Park, and also covers the nearby technological real estate areas of Castelon Vale, in Praia, and Julion Vale, in Mindelo, and is the centre of all digital strategy in Cabo Verde.

With effect from 13 May, technology-based companies that develop activities that conform to a variety of requirements are authorised to operate in ZEET:

Capacity or high potential for wealth creation, added value and jobs, particularly in the youth segment

Export potential, particularly in the African sub-region

Potential in terms of promoting a culture of innovation, fostering creativity and competitiveness in the technology park ecosystem

Ability to generate the flow of knowledge, research and technological development, namely through creative and collaborative processes, in favourable environments for incubation, integration in digital cluster networks and spinoff processes

Capacity to develop digital products and services, supported by reliable innovation research and development processes, contributing to the creation of a park of digital assets of national intellectual property

Capacity and infrastructure to incubate up to 10 start-ups a year, in investment and development programmes, guaranteeing, in particular, conditions to carry out research and development projects, computing infrastructures, secure connectivity, instruments for management, mentoring and monitoring

Carry out technological activities at the International Business Center (CIN).

Companies authorised to operate in ZEET can benefit, in particular, from tax and customs incentives, CLBrief reported.


UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 4:40 am

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