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Integration on the agenda as Hong Kong lawmakers tour the GBA

The political push for integration is leading to a greater number of official exchanges, with Hong Kong lawmakers the latest to head north on a fact-finding tour.



The political push for integration is leading to a greater number of official exchanges, with Hong Kong lawmakers the latest to head north on a fact-finding tour.



UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 12:27 am

Hong Kong’s top official, Chief Executive John Lee, will lead a delegation of lawmakers on what is described as a “duty visit” to cities in the Greater Bay Area (GBA), according to government-funded broadcaster RTHK.

The trip will take place in the third week of April, RTHK reports. It is not yet known if Macao is on the itinerary.

According to plans submitted to the legislature, the delegation will meet with municipal and provincial leaders and tour various business facilities and cultural venues.

Hong Kong is making strenuous efforts to boost integration with the GBA. Last month, the city inked five economic deals with Guangdong, governing cooperation in finance, labour, technology, “smart city” operations, and medical and pharmaceutical regulation.

[See more: Cash injections set to speed up the expansion of Zhuhai airport]

Lee also led a delegation to Macao in March to deepen, he said, “Hong Kong’s co-operation with Macao, with a view to generating stronger impetus to the growth of the Greater Bay Area”. 

Macao’s sister SAR has established, on a permanent basis, a scheme that encourages firms in the Greater Bay Area to employ Hong Kong graduates. It also intends to send tens of thousands of schoolchildren on study trips to the GBA and other parts of the country as part of the “citizenship and social development” curriculum in local schools.


UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 12:27 am

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