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UM is a “world leader” in electronics, its vice rector says

A world beating number of research papers from the University of Macau were accepted at a top electronics conference this year.



A world beating number of research papers from the University of Macau were accepted at a top electronics conference this year.



UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 12:27 am

Fifteen research papers from the University of Macau (UM) were accepted at a leading international electronics conference in the US in February – more than any other institution – its vice rector for global affairs says.

Rui Martins told Portugal’s Lusa news agency that at the 70th International Solid State Circuits Conference “in electronic terms, we were world leaders”. Beijing’s Tsinghua University came in second place with 13 papers.

Papers presented by the University of Macau at the event, held in San Francisco, covered such topics as data conversion, wireless communications and energy conversion.

[See more: IFTM is now among the world’s top 10 schools of its kind]

Martins told Lusa that internal funding for scientific research at UM this year amounted to some 100 million patacas, with an additional 440 million patacas coming from the local government and mainland Chinese sources.

“In terms of scientific research funding and compared to other universities, I think it’s a good investment”, he said.

The university is launching six new master’s degree programmes for the 2023 to 2024 academic year.

The programmes will cover artificial intelligence, robotics and autonomous systems, and innovative materials, among other fields.


UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 12:27 am

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