Figures are up on last year but less than 2019; ‘smart policing’ and intelligence exchanges with neighbouring forces promised in future.
Authorities wary of wave of new cases as many students and staff have visited the mainland during summer holidays.
Yellow Health Code holders voting will be closely supervised, while back-up polling stations will be held in readiness.
Normal visiting hours restored at public hospital, and fire and security forces museums reopen following Covid-19 scare.
Herd immunity is top priority says health chief, especially as Macao’s vaccination rate has yet to top 50 per cent.
Lockdown ends in Rua de Coelho do Amaral after no cases detected, but public warned not to drop their guard.
Health chief repeats advice to avoid intensive exercises and rest more often following inoculations.
Police suspect 31-year-old mainlander may have committed suicide over financial problems; Labour Bureau urges higher safety standards.
Visitor numbers will be restricted to lessen the risk of Covid-19 infection: local tours remain on hold.