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Ho Iat Seng’s CNY message praises Macao’s fight against Covid-19

The Chief Executive promised that his government will work with all sectors of civil society to overcome adversity in the Year of the Ox. 





UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 5:09 am

Chief Executive Ho Iat Seng promised in his Chinese New Year message today that his government will work hand-in-hand with all sectors of civil society to overcome adversity in the Year of the Ox. 

Ho made a point of thanking Macao’s health care professionals, police officers, firefighters and other anti-Covid-19 front-line workers for their efforts in keeping the novel coronavirus at bay. 

Ho also pledged the government’s “strong coordination” in preventing and controlling the pandemic and ensuring Macao’s socio-economic recovery.

The chief executive added that the government would do its utmost to speed up economic development and the “adequate diversification” of the economy. 

Ho acknowledged that the local economy has been “hit hard” by the pandemic, “seriously affected” residents’ lives and resulted in “severe challenges” for the government.

“In these difficult times, the motherland [China] never ceased to care and support us,” Ho said. 


UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 5:09 am

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