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Driving tests and practice circuits reopening

Priority given to drivers with test scheduled in the near future; and – public libraries closed until further notice.



Priority given to drivers with test scheduled in the near future; and – public libraries closed until further notice.



UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 4:42 am

Driving practice circuits will reopen today, and written and road tests will resume on Friday.

A Transport Bureau spokesman said that the service desks at China Plaza and Estrada de D. Maria II, as well as parking areas in Estrada Flor de Lotus, are also reopening.

After motorcycles, light vehicles and heavy vehicle’s driving tests resume, the bureau will prioritise those who are taking the exam before 31 August.

Those taking their tests after 1 September can enter depending on the situation at the practice circuit.

The spokesman said that those who were due to have their test between 3 and 17 August, including people who are taking either the road test or written exam, can reschedule the dates if they wish.

In related news, public libraries will remain closed until further notice, so library books’ return dates will be extended accordingly.

A spokesman for the Cultural Affairs Bureau said that readers can access free electronic resources via the Macao Public Library’s website which features a large number of e-books, e-magazines, academic journals and children’s picture books.


UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 4:42 am

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