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Mobile jab van inoculates 232 residents at Iao Hon Park in two days

Health Bureau will continue to station mobile vaccination station around city, reaching out to elderly, bedridden and those with impaired mobility.



Health Bureau will continue to station mobile vaccination station around city, reaching out to elderly, bedridden and those with impaired mobility.



UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 4:44 am

Staff at a mobile vaccination station parked in Iao Hon Park last Sunday and Monday vaccinated 232 residents against Covid-19.

The jab van started its walk-in inoculation services early this month, when it was parked in Ilha Verde from 2 to 4 April.

The mobile Covid-19 vaccination services aim to make it more convenient for residents living around the city to get inoculated, particularly for those with reduced mobility, bedridden individuals and senior citizens.

The Health Bureau has said it will continue to park its Covid-19 vaccination vehicle at other suitable locations to provide walk-in inoculation services, in collaboration with the Social Welfare Bureau and social service organisations. Staff members and volunteers  will help transport those with reduced mobility and bedridden individuals to the mobile vaccination station. 

In related news, three recent returnees are being treated in isolation after having tested positive for Covid-19. A 63-year-old, triple-jabbed man from the Philippines, a triple-jabbed 45-year-old woman and a double-jabbed 34-year-old woman – both from Hong Kong – were all classed as asymptomatic and imported cases, The Macau Post Daily reported.

The three cases have raised Macao’s asymptomatic Covid-19 tally to 78.

Macao’s total number of confirmed Covid-19 cases remains at 82.


UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 4:44 am

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