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When it comes to petrol prices, Macao’s motorists fare better than our neighbours

Price hikes are hitting drivers more in Zhuhai and Hong Kong than they are in the SAR, according to the Consumer Council.





UPDATED: 08 Jan 2024, 8:18 am

In response to a local lawmaker’s query about the rapidly rising prices of unleaded petrol, Macao’s Consumer Council has pointed out that the SAR’s neighbours have it comparatively worse, Ponto Final reports.

Between January 2020 and December 2023, petrol prices reportedly went up by 1.66 patacas per litre on average in Macao. In Hong Kong, over the same period, the price rose by the equivalent of 6.43 patacas, while in Zhuhai it increased by the equivalent of 1.82 patacas, the council said.

Over the past four years, Economic and Technological Development Bureau figures reportedly show that out of 130 price adjustments, 91 were increases. In 2022, the cost of vehicular fuel in Macao went up by 20.8 per cent.

[See more: What you need to know before purchasing an electric or hybrid vehicle]

In response to a query from lawmaker Ella Lei, the Consumer Council’s deputy president To Weng Tong said it continuously updated publicly available information on gas prices to facilitate consumer choice.

“We also make reference to the most recent market situations in neighbouring regions … and have been keeping abreast of the supply situation and prices of fuel products, with a view to urging the sector to stabilise prices and fuel supply in Macao,” he said.

Lei also called for the introduction of 95 unleaded fuel – a cheaper alternative to the currently available 98 – to be accelerated. This is something the government has previously announced it is working towards.

UPDATED: 08 Jan 2024, 8:18 am

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