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India, Pakistan, Philippines arrivals to face 28 days quarantine

The new measure comes into effect immediately; regulations for arrivals from other countries stay at three weeks’ quarantine and seven days’ self-health management.





UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 5:05 am

Starting today, arrivals from India, Pakistan and the Philippines will have to spend 28 days in quarantine rather than three weeks.

According to the Novel Coronavirus Response and Coordination Centre the stricter measures were introduced “due to the latest developments of these countries’ Covid-19 epidemic situations”.

Travellers who have been to a foreign country other than India, Pakistan and the Philippines within 21 days prior to their entry into Macao must undergo 21 days of quarantine and medical observation at one of the official quarantine hotels upon arrival. After completing quarantine, they must then practise seven days’ self-health management.

Foreign nationals without a Macao ID card have, in general, been barred from entering Macao since March last year due to the Covid-19 pandemic, regardless of where they have been before their intended entry into Macao.

Mainland, Hong Kong and Taiwan residents who have been to a foreign country within 21 days prior to their intended entry into Macao are also barred from entering the city. Macao residents, including foreign nationals holding a Macao ID card, are allowed to return to Macao from a foreign country, but have to undergo the 21-day hotel quarantine plus the seven-day self-health management.

Under the new measure arrivals from India, Pakistan or the Philippines will not need to undergo self-health management once they have completed their month’s quarantine, reported the Macau Post Daily.


UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 5:05 am

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