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Compulsory daily RATs for entire city through 1 November after new cases discovered

43-year-old woman’s two teenage sons have tested positive this morning; woman’s workplace – MGM Cotai – locked down for 3 days.



43-year-old woman’s two teenage sons have tested positive this morning; woman’s workplace – MGM Cotai – locked down for 3 days.



UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 12:46 am

The 43-year-old local woman’s two teenage sons have tested positive this morning, the Novel Coronavirus Infection Response and Coordination Centre has announced. Both sons are Form 2 (grade 8) students at the Ilha Verde Secondary School of the Macau Commercial Association.

Her sons tested negative for Covid-19 on 27 October, but tested positive today. Both cases have been classified as related to an “imported case”.

The local woman works as a casino dealer at MGM Cotai and went to work on 26, 27 and 28 October. Video reports show MGM Cotai being fenced off this morning and government health workers preventing anyone from entering or leaving the hotel – the government has not announced whether the hotel will become a Red Code Zone, but sources in the hotel have been told they will not be allowed to leave for three days.

As a result everyone in Macao must take a daily rapid antigen test for three consecutive days from today through 1 November.

Results must be uploaded onto the Macao Health Bureau’s platform. If results are positive, the Macao health code will change to a “red code” and testees should call an ambulance at 119, 120 or 2857 2222. 

If no daily declaration is made daily, the Macao Health Code will turn yellow.


UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 12:46 am

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