Although regular services have resumed from Hong Kong and the Chinese mainland, there has been no word from Macao Post
Macao tourism insider Andy Wu says the dip in tourists from Macao’s neighbouring SAR is due to competition from mainland Chinese cities
The US Postal Service has begun accepting parcels from China again, but Macao’s CTT says some forms of delivery remain suspended
Local think tank, the Collective Wisdom Policy Centre, wants the Macao government to organise a new consumption campaign that is more accessible and flexible
During the 11-day festive period, more than 6.8 million inbound and outbound crossings were made at the city’s various checkpoints
Labour affairs veteran Lei Seak Chio will take on the role from next Monday, after serving as Macao’s occupational health and safety chief
Overall residential property prices averaged 69,882 patacas per square metre in the first half of last month, a fall of 15 percent in comparison to the month previous
Some 162,000 visitors entered Macao yesterday, in the waning days of the 8-day holiday – a fall of 14 percent in comparison to the day before
Strengthening the SAR government’s communications with mainland authorities will be part of the new pact, officials say