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Occupancy rates at Macao’s hotels show steep rises in January

Average rooms rate rise across the board as the city’s hospitality industry begins to recover from the three years of the Covid-19 pandemic.



Average rooms rate rise across the board as the city’s hospitality industry begins to recover from the three years of the Covid-19 pandemic.



UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 12:30 am

Macao hotels posted a 74 per cent hotel occupancy rate across the three-, four- and five-star categories for January – a 25.4 per cent gain year on year from 2022.

Three-star hotels registered the highest rate, at 79 per cent, but hotels in the five-star category saw the biggest increase, rising 27.8 per cent year on year to reach 73.9 per cent occupancy.

Four-star hotels saw a relatively modest rise of 11.7 per cent to reach an occupancy rate of 70.1 per cent. However, the category posted the biggest rise in the average room rate, jumping 81.2 per cent year on year to reach 806.50 patacas.

[See more: Forbes awards are a boost for Macao’s hotels but the sector still faces challenges

Average room rates for five- and three-star hotels were 1,371.30 and 871.30 patacas respectively.

The strong showing comes as the SAR experienced a huge surge in visitor arrivals in January, with the lifting of pandemic travel restrictions.

Total visitors rose by more than 101 per cent to 1,397,748, the great majority from mainland China and Hong Kong.

The Macao government is launching ambitious promotional campaigns this year in a bid to restore the tourism industry after the three-year Covid-19 pandemic.


UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 12:30 am

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