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The Sands Gallery is hosting an exhibition of ceramics by Fang Lijun

Drawing from Biblical inspirations, the show of several dozen ceramic pieces is a surprising contrast to the artist’s vivid, better known work in paint.



Drawing from Biblical inspirations, the show of several dozen ceramic pieces is a surprising contrast to the artist’s vivid, better known work in paint.



UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 8:05 am

An exhibition of ceramic work by the renowned Chinese artist Fang Lijun has opened in Macao at the Sands Gallery.

On display are several dozen ceramic installations, showcasing what the gallery calls Fang’s “comprehensive creative vision in the ceramic medium”. A number of manuscripts, sketches and videos are also on show. 

The exhibition is entitled “Bone of the Bone, Flesh of the Flesh”, and draws inspiration from God’s creation of Eve with one of Adam’s ribs in the Book of Genesis. The surprisingly spiritual work will come as a surprise to anyone who primarily associates Fang with the vibrantly coloured, bald figures that dominate his painting output.

[See more: Sands China plans to promote local budding artists]

“This is the first ceramic exhibition of Fang in Macau,” said the exhibition’s curator Luo Yi, who praised the Sands Gallery for “supporting such a cutting-edge, experimental type of work”. 

An exhibition of Fang’s paintings, “The Light of Dust”, is meanwhile on show at the Macao Museum of Art until 11 June.

The exhibition features nearly 200 pieces Fang has created over four decades, offering a look into his artistic evolution. 

“Bone of the Bone, Flesh of the Flesh” by  Fang Lijun is on show at the Sands Gallery, Level 6, the Grand Suites at Four Seasons, from 11:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. daily.


UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 8:05 am

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