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Contact-tracing-function QR codes up and running at Sports Bureau venues

Participants to wear masks at cycling event and carnival planned for Chinese New Year ahead of Beijing Winter Olympics.



Participants to wear masks at cycling event and carnival planned for Chinese New Year ahead of Beijing Winter Olympics.



UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 8:15 am

All Sports Bureau venues, including ball arenas, have already established and implemented the use of the contact-tracing-function QR codes, President Pun Weng Kun has announced.

Asked whether the bureau has sufficient manpower to scan the QR codes upon visitor entry, Pun responded that it currently has enough staff and will not be increasing them for the time being.

Regarding the upcoming Chinese New Year holidays and the need for reducing social events, Pun commented that the bureau will “definitely cooperate with the government”.

Pun also said that two events planned for the morning and afternoon of 3 February for the Beijing Winter Olympics will be hosted outdoors with a limited number of participants. 

Pun said the morning cycling event will allow around 200-300 participants, including staff. Pun added that participants must wear a facemask, even when cycling, while the afternoon event – a carnival – will restrict and divide the number of people entering the venue, The Macau Post Daily reported.


UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 8:15 am

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