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Travellers from Macao must apply for permission to enter Zhongshan

City requires seven days’ home quarantine followed by week’s health monitoring; failure to comply with all regulations will lead to quarantine at traveller’s own expense.



City requires seven days’ home quarantine followed by week’s health monitoring; failure to comply with all regulations will lead to quarantine at traveller’s own expense.



UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 4:45 am

Following Zhuhai’s example, Zhongshan now also requires people from Macao to undergo home isolation when they enter the city.

Zhongshan currently requires seven-day home quarantine + seven-day home health monitoring for those who have entered Macao since 15th June; and seven-day centralised quarantine + seven-day home quarantine for those from Macao’s red/yellow code area.

The Municipal Health Bureau stated that travellers who have recently come from Macao must apply in advance (scan the below QR codes) before entering Zhongshan, and authorities can confirm that they meet the conditions for home isolation before entering. Otherwise, they will be quarantined for seven days at their own expense.

Zhongshan QR codes


UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 4:45 am

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