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Visitors to Macao drop 30.6 per cent in May year-on-year

Most of May’s 600,748 visitors came from Greater Bay Area; numbers pale into insignificance compared to 3 million-plus for same month in 2019.



Most of May’s 600,748 visitors came from Greater Bay Area; numbers pale into insignificance compared to 3 million-plus for same month in 2019.



UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 4:45 am

The number of visitors to Macao fell by 30.6 per cent in May in annual terms, and by 1 per cent compared to April, the Statistics and Census Service (DSEC) has announced.

In May, 600,748 visitors arrived in Macao, with the numbers of day trippers (358,920) and tourists (241,828) falling by 8.5 per cent and 49 per cent, in annual terms.

The majority of visitors in May came from mainland China (538,458) – a decline of 32.2 per cent in annual terms – of which 176,171 travelled on an individual visa.

Of those, 404,141 visitors came from the nine cities of the Greater Bay Area, of which half were from Zhuhai.

From Hong Kong and Taiwan, 56,670 and 5,497 people entered the city, respectively.

Between January and May, 3,084,436 visitors arrived in Macao, 9.3 per cent less than in the same period last year, with the number of day-trippers (1,980,945) increasing by 27.3 per cent, but the number of tourists (1,103. 491) dropping by 40.1 per cent.

Prior to the Covid-19 pandemic, in 2019, Macao received 17 million visitors from January to May. In May 2019 around 3.4 million visited Macao.


UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 4:45 am

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