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MGTO launches promotions to attract Hong Kong visitors

Tourism chief forecasts daily visitors will reach 40,000 next year, plans to reach out to potential tourists in South Korea, Japan and Thailand.



Tourism chief forecasts daily visitors will reach 40,000 next year, plans to reach out to potential tourists in South Korea, Japan and Thailand.



UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 12:31 am

Macao tourism officials are seizing the chance to attract visitors from Hong Kong by offering a raft of transport and hotel discounts in the new year.

Macao Government Tourism Office (MGTO) Director Maria Helena de Senna Fernandes said that with the aim of introducing “the latest tourism offerings in Macao to our Hong Kong counterparts,” the bureau held a semi-virtual meeting with the Hong Kong tourism sector and media yesterday afternoon. She added that for the first time in three years, Macao received its first group of tourists from Hong Kong last night, which she described as a “good sign”.

According to Senna Fernandes, the MGTO is also planning its promotions in overseas markets such as Thailand, Japan and South Korea, depending on the easing of their respective travel restrictions, while re-establishing business relationships with overseas operators.

Meanwhile, Senna Fernandes said that with the passing of Macao’s “worst” Covid-19 wave, she expected that the city will be able to reach a daily average of about 40,000 visitor arrivals next year, “which is the target that we [MGTO] have set for ourselves for 2023.” Due to the current Covid-19 wave, she added, the recent daily average number of visitor arrivals reached just about 10,000.

When asked about the effectiveness of the government’s Light Up Macao 2022 event, Senna Fernandes said that the number of visitors was down from last year, adding that MGTO will not be able to extend the event as preparations needed to be made for the Chinese New Year (CNY), which falls on 22 January.

On the third, seventh and fifteenth day of the first lunar month, Senna Fernandes pointed out that there will be a raft of CNY activities such as fireworks, a traditional parade and “a big dragon”. Macao’s tourism supremo added she believed that Macao’s number of available hotel rooms and catering venues could “basically” return to normal before long, The Macau Post Daily reported.

Asked about the rising number of layoffs over the past few years, Senna Fernandes said: “With more tourists coming to Macao, more tourist offerings will be needed, therefore, more service people will be needed,” adding: “For those who are in business, they are definitely very much aware of what is needed and they will also find the [necessary] manpower.”


UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 12:31 am

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