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May Day holiday visitors rise 37 pct: MGTO

Macau recorded 636,644 visitor arrivals during the mainland’s May Day “Golden Week” from Wednesday to Saturday last week.





UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 5:45 am

The Macau Government Tourism Office (MGTO) said in a statement early on Monday that Macau recorded 636,644 visitor arrivals during the mainland’s May Day “Golden Week” from Wednesday to Saturday last week.

This year’s “Golden Week” lasted four days.

The statement noted that last year’s May Day Golden Week consisted of only three days – which was from April 29 to May 1, 2018. According to the statement, Macau recorded 531,503 visitor arrivals during the first three days of this year’s May Day Golden Week, a 37 percent increase compared to last year’s three-day May Day Golden Week.

The city recorded 436,679 visitor arrivals from the mainland and 48,562 visitor arrivals from Hong Kong during the first three days of this year’s May Day Golden Week, a 42.7 percent increase and a 7.8 percent increase compared to last year’s May Day Golden Week respectively, according to the statement.

MGTO noted that the visitor arrival figures revealed in the statement are provisional figures.

Meanwhile, the Public Security Police (PSP) said in a statement on Friday that the number of entries and exits at the Barrier Gate border checkpoint hit a record high of 481,000 on May 2, which replaced – according to a PSP statement last month – the previous record on April 6 when the police recorded 467,000 entries and exits at the city’s busiest checkpoint.

Total entries and exits comprise residents, visitors, non-resident workers and non-local students enrolled in local education institutions.

UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 5:45 am

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