Macao has been given four prestigious awards by the Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA), providing a much-needed boost for the city’s struggling tourism industry.

The PATA Gold Awards 2021, which are sponsored by the Macao Government Tourism Office (MGTO), recognised the achievements of 20 organisations and individuals this year.
The MGTO representative office in the United States picked up a PATA Grand Award, while three local tourism operators each received a PATA Gold Award.
The MGTO representative office in the United States was commended for its initiative “Dream Now and Travel Later”. The scheme was launched in response to the Covid-19 pandemic, as an integrated campaign series that tapped into the power of social media to provide a string of educational and dynamic content about Macao, aiming to inspire consumers to “dream now and travel [to Macao] later”.

Melco Resorts & Entertainment picked up a PATA Gold Award in the Climate Change Initiatives category for its “Above & Beyond – Melco’s Sustainability Strategy”, which aimed to help the tourism operator achieve carbon neutrality and zero waste across its resorts by 2030.
The “MGM Youth Empowerment and Engagement Initiative” launched by MGM China received a PATA Gold Award in the Youth Empowerment Initiative category. The initiative created learning opportunities for Macao’s youth and young professionals within the company and in the community.
MGM expressed its gratitude for being recognised by PATA for the third time, and underlined its dedication to youth development, which it said aligns with Macao’s “Tourism+” initiatives, as well as supporting the city’s positioning as the Creative City of Gastronomy, World Centre of Tourism and Leisure and Tourism Training Hub for the Greater Bay Area.
Galaxy Entertainment Group (GEG) received a PATA Gold Award for Culture (Traditional Performance and Visual Arts) with its initiative “Promoting Cultural Tourism through our Foundation” which emphasises local arts and cultural development in order to cultivate the next generation’s interest in exhibitions, the arts and cultural traditions.
GEG stated that it endeavours to help foster Macao’s development as a World Centre of Tourism and Leisure by committing to the sustainable development of Macao’s various industries and supporting different cultural, arts, recreation and sports initiatives.