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February hotel guests hit 382,000

Mainland guests almost double at the city’s 120 hostelries, while the average occupancy rate is up by almost a quarter.



Mainland guests almost double at the city’s 120 hostelries, while the average occupancy rate is up by almost a quarter.



UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 5:06 am

Overnight stays leapt by nearly 150 per cent last month to 382,000, according to the Statistics and Census Bureau.

The year-on-year increase included 303,000 mainland guests and 55,000 local guests whose numbers soared by 192.1 per cent and 175 per cent respectively. 

However, despite the overall increase of 147.2 per cent, guests’ average length of stay decreased by 0.1 night year-on-year to 1.7 nights, The Macau Post Daily reported.

A total of 120 hotels and guesthouses were open for business last month, three more than a year ago, but the number of available guest rooms dropped by 4.4 per cent to 36,000.

Data on hotels and guesthouses designated for Covid-19 quarantine were excluded in the compilation of the statistics.

The average occupancy rate of guest rooms stood at 38.5 per cent, representing a year-on-year growth of 23.7 percentage points, yet a month-to-month decrease of 1.8 percentage points.

In the first two months, the average occupancy rate of guest rooms fell by 10.9 percentage points year-on-year to 39.4 per cent.

The number of guests at hotels and guesthouses shrank by 32.5 per cent year-on-year to 833,000, whereas their average length of stay increased by 0.1 night to 1.7 nights.

Hotel occupancy was impacted as there were no inbound package tour visitors in February, while the number of visitors joining local tours was just 800. Outbound residents using travel agencies totalled 3,800, and 3,700 (97.4 per cent) of them visited the mainland. 

In the first two months of 2021, visitors joining local tours declined by 79.8 per cent year-on-year to 1,900, while outbound residents using the services of travel agencies tumbled by 89.3 per cent to 9,100.


UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 5:06 am

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