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Air Macau to reopen Taiwan route on 1 November

International air travel looking healthier following flag carrier’s announcement that it will restart Vietnam and Japan flights in October.



International air travel looking healthier following flag carrier’s announcement that it will restart Vietnam and Japan flights in October.



UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 12:49 am

Air Macau is planning to restart its Taiwan route in November, and has announced further details about its flights to Vietnam and Japan which will take off next month, heralding a gradual return to normal travel after nearly three years of restrictions caused by the Covid-19 pandemic.

The city’s flag carrier will reopen its route to Hanoi on 12 October, and to Tokyo the following day. Flights from Hanoi to Macao will operate in both directions on Wednesdays, while the flights from Tokyo are scheduled to depart and arrive on Thursdays.

The Chinese-language radio channel of public broadcaster TDM quoted Air Macau as saying that the resumption of international air routes for the first time amid the Covid-19 pandemic will create a “breakthrough” for Macao to better connect with other regions and countries, adding that with the resumption of the flights, the airline aims to further promote Macao’s “friendly exchanges” with Vietnam and Japan, so as to strengthen the city’s cultural ties and cargo links with the two countries, as well as to create more “favourable conditions” for mutually beneficial cooperation.

The airline said it also plans to resume flights between Macao and Taipei on 1 November, with the outbound and inbound flights both departing on Tuesdays, The Macau Post Daily reported.


UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 12:49 am

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