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10 Hong Kong Key Opinion Leaders visit Macao

As part of campaign to promote Macao to its second-biggest market, influencers shown top attractions and given a taste of UNESCO Creative City of Gastronomy.



As part of campaign to promote Macao to its second-biggest market, influencers shown top attractions and given a taste of UNESCO Creative City of Gastronomy.



UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 12:30 am

Ten of Hong Kong’s most popular Key Opinion Leaders (KOLs) spent Sunday and Monday touring Macao to experience “tourism+” as part of the government’s promotional plan.

The KOLs included TV and radio programme hosts, a magician and a travel blogger, some of whom have thousands of followers on Facebook and Instagram. 

The KOLs arrived in Macao via the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge on Sunday morning and visited the Macao Grand Prix Museum, Anim’Arte Nam Van and various Light up Macao 2022 decorations.

The Macao Government Tourism Office (MGTO) that the KOLs also savoured various signature delicacies in Macao, a UNESCO Creative City of Gastronomy, and visited tourist attractions themed around the interest of young art enthusiasts, sports lovers, families and lovers. These included the House of Macao Literature, the Macao Science Centre, ZIPCITY and TeamLab.

Some KOLs, the MGTO said, also explored Macao individually, visiting their preferred attractions and making recommendations to their followers.

The MGTO underlined that Hong Kong is Macao’s second-largest visitor market, with “considerable advantages in terms of geographic location and attractiveness”.

In late December, MGTO also held a virtual travel and exchange seminar for members of Hong Kong and Macao’s travel trade in Hong Kong. This was done to update Hong Kong travel agencies on Macao’s tourism situation and facilitate industry networking between both cities.

Members of travel trade and related associations from Hong Kong will be invited to the city for face-to-face exchanges with their Macao counterparts, The Macau Post Daily reported. 


UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 12:30 am

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